Training Information | PDP Athletics
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Elevate Your Game
PDP Athletics

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Summer Player Development

Come join us for our summer baseball training programs.

All players will receive a motion capture biomechanic assessment which will tell us rotational velocities and sequencing of movements to see whether your body is moving fast enough and in the proper order.

After the assessment, each player will get a customized throwing/hitting program as well as a strength/conditioning program to work on improving areas that are identified during the assessment.


Players will receive coaching and facility access up to 5 days a week.


Players will be taught how to properly use the ground, have stability, sequence properly, and how to train their minds to compete once the game actually begins.

  • 85MPH to 91MPH in 6 weeks

  • 78MPH to 85MPH in 8 weeks

  • 75MPH to 84MPH in 12 weeks 


Want to be the next player to change your career? 


Sign-up at or call us to get started!​

Why PDP Athletics?

The PDP Difference

No Monthly Contracts

We HATE long term contracts. We believe in what we can do for you enough that you will won't to keep working with us. (not because you have to!)

Throw Harder

Individualized Plans

We refuse to use a cookie-cutter approach to development.  Every player is different and so should be your plan.

EVERY player that follows their plan has thrown harder. We have seen increases of 11 mph in 4 months.

Advanced Tech

Rapsodo, 4D Motion, and Armored Heat helps our players develop healthy arms and create pitches that move.

Develop Command

Throwing hard get you an opportunity, command lets you make the most of it!

Get Stronger

Throwing harder isn't just about better mechanics.  It takes strength and mobility to maximize your performance.

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